Reflexology is a complementary therapy based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands, and face that correspond to every part, gland, and organ found in the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation, and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body. Reflexology can not diagnose ailments, but can be used alongside standard medical practices to promote better health care for clients. Its aim is to bring the body into its natural balanced state.
At Pampering Peony we offer a variety of services to help you relax and relieve tension. Our treatments include foot reflexology, hand reflexology and facial reflexology. Each service is tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences.
Reflexology provides numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, improving circulation, reducing pain, and enhancing overall well-being. With regular reflexology sessions, you can experience these benefits and more.
Reflexology (foot) for 1 hour is £45.
(Please note initial consultation appointment will be approximately 75 minutes)
Hand reflexology 30 minute session £35
Facial reflexology 45 minute session £38
Don't just take my word for it - hear what our satisfied customers have to say about their experiences at Pampering Peony. I am proud to have helped so many people relax and achieve better health and wellness through our services.
Ready to schedule an appointment or have questions about our services? Contact me today and I will be happy to assist you. Looking forward to helping you relax and achieve better health and wellness.
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that has benefitted people for centuries. It is the use of essential oils to improve balance both emotionally and physically .
Aromatherapy can help alleviate stress, ease aches and pains, improve circulation, boost the immune system, and promote overall wellbeing. It helps with mindfulness as the aromas experienced through using essential oils have a dynamic effect on the mind and body.
During an aromatherapy massage, you will have an initial consultation where you are able to discuss any conditions you may need help with. A bespoke essential oil blend will be created especially for you. As an added treat if there is any oil remaining after your treatment, this can be placed into a small bottle for you to take home and enjoy.
Aromatherapy massage for 1 hour is £55
Take home the remaining bespoke mix of essential oils. All I ask is that you bring the bottle back on your next visit.
Ready to experience the benefits of aromatherapy? Contact me today to schedule a session or learn more about our services.
Indian Head Massage is a holistic therapy which stimulates blood flow to the scalp, head, upper back and shoulders, enhancing circulation to these areas. Unlike most massages, this massage is carried out with the client sitting in a chair. This is a wonderful treatment which helps alleviate stress and tension. This treatment can provide a deep sense of relaxation, improve mental wellbeing and so help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Indian Head Massage. 30 minute session. £38
Swedish massage is the most commonly practised massage. It is a full body massage incorporating back, legs, arms, shoulders and neck. It stimulates the blood supply and so improves circulation. It helps relieve muscle tension and improves muscle function and ensures that after your treatment you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
Swedish massage full body 1 hour £48
Back massage 30 minutes £38
Leg massage 30 minutes £35
I used grapeseed oil in all massage treatments and am mindful of any allergies you may have.
A £10 deposit will be taken when you book your treatment. Please note 48 hours notice of cancellation should be given otherwise the deposit will re retained. If you cancel with 48 hours or more notice, your appointment will be rescheduled at a more appropriate time.
Ready to book a session or have questions about our services? Contact me today to learn more. We look forward to helping you experience the benefits of holistic treatments and achieve greater health and wellness.
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